
How to Get Back Password If iPhone Asking for Backup Password

iPhone asking for backup password
iPhone 5 asking for backup password
 I hear things on encrypted iPhone password forgotten time and time again. The absolute best thing we can do is use the device lock on our iPhone! Now, let’s talk about iPhone encrypt backup password! What to do if iPhone asking for backup password and can’t remember? Look step by step solution:

The first step: Download iPhone Backup Unlock Tool from http://www.windowspasswordsrecovery.com/product/iphone-backup-unlocker.htm and import the encrypted backup file
The second step: Choose your right way of attack to change password
The third step: Begin to reset iPhone backup password
within minutes, you could potentially gain the password quickly. Just have click “Copy” to paste the password cracked and go to unlock locked backup file.
Have you ever stopped to think about all of the information that is stored on your iPhone?

What about all of your apps and the type of data they store. This might be information such as account numbers for banking, passwords for websites, personal and corporate emails, pictures and videos, your browser history and even recent places you’ve visited.

The Apple iPhone OS Enterprise Deployment Guide states:
“Device backups can be stored in encrypted format by selecting the Encrypt iPhone Backup option in the device summary pane of iTunes. Files are encrypted using AES128 with a 256-bit key. The key is stored securely in the iPhone keychain.”

If there is not iPhone encrypted backup! Out of curiosity, I checked to see if info.plist was encrypted as well. It wasn’t. I wanted to make sure I mentioned this as you will have to decide how much of a risk that is.
For 1Password, more than 10 million passwords can be tested each second. In theory, using just digits for password characters, a seven digit password can be found in less than one second, an eight digit password takes 10 seconds, nine digits only 100 seconds.

For passwords that contain letters, digits, punctuation marks, and special characters (95 in all), it is possible to discover a six-character password in 24 hours. But it is rare that such passwords are used on smartphones. It is too hard to type it every time.

Recommend video on how to unlock iPhone backup password!

Source: http://www.recoveriphonedata.net/iphone-asking-for-backup-password/

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